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The Grateful Leader

Judith Umlas says that "By creating a culture of appreciation throughout the organization, in which people truly feel valued, these leaders motivate their followers to strive for continuous improvement and always greater results."

This is a very strong statement! Why is gratitude so important in the workplace? The author is clear to state that the gratitude must be true, and builds trust and genuine appreciation. She quotes Stephen Covey, from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, who states " Next to physical survival, the greatest need of a human being be affirmed, to be validated, to be appreciated."

So challenging in our fast paced and driven workplaces. difficult to think about. Perhaps it's because we are "shy Canadians", or just that it seems weird to express gratitude.

Umlas goes on to say that there are 5 ways to create "Acknowledgement...the heartfelt and authentic communication that lets people know their value to their organization or to their team and them importance of the contribution they make." She says that there are 5 C's:

Consciousness....feel your gratitude

Choice...the decision to note something worthy of acknowledgement give the heartfelt, grateful acknowledgement

Communication...finding the best way to acknowledge...public, private, etc make your workplace a place where people are acknowledged

Are you a Grateful Leader? Would you like to explore the possibilities of creating acknowledgement in your workplace? How does that feel for you? I would be excited to start a conversation with you about gratitude and acknowledgement!

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